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Open Researcher and Contributors ID provides a persistent digital identifier for researchers

Adding Your Work

You can associate your ORCID ID with all of your publications, conference materials, patents, registered copyrights, datasets, and speeches, to name a few. These and other materials can be imported by using multiple ORCID import wizards

There are a few ways to do this. This helpful link will give you simple instructions on how.

  1. Add works by direct import from other systems to link your publications and other works to your ORCID record from other databases. Direct import from other systems such as:

    1. Scopus (publications connected to the Scopus identifier)
    2. ResearcherID (publications connected to the Thomson Reuters identifier)
    3. ISNI2ORCID (ISNI records)
    4. Europe PubMed Central (all of PubMed, 500K records from Agricola that cannot be found in PubMed, 4 million Patents and 2.6 million full text articles shared with PMC in the USA)
    5. CrossRef Metadata Search (journal articles, conference proceedings and monographs)

  2. Add works using an identifier

  3. Import and export works via BibTeX

  4. Other works that are not available in databases can be added manually. Add works manually.