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Critical Appraisal Institute for Librarians: Curriculum 2024

Peer Presentations

Peer presentation guidelines and articles will be listed here by the start of the course.

Plenary 1 : Wednesday 1/24/24 1:00-2:30 PM Eastern Time

A recording of the plenary session will be placed here after the event.

Module 1: Critical Appraisal and Clinical Study Designs: Basics and Biases - Week of 1/29/24

Module 2: Foundational Stats: Descriptive & Inferential Statistics, Hypothesis Testing - Week of 2/5/24

Module 3: Common Measures of Association in Biomedical Studies: Harm & Therapy Studies - Week of 2/12/24

Module 4: Appraising Diagnostic Tool and Screening Studies - Week of 2/26/24

Module 5: Prognosis Studies and Systematic Reviews - Week of 3/4/24

Plenary 2: Wednesday 3/13/24 2:00-3:30 PM Eastern Time

Module 6 : Journal Clubs - Week of 3/18/24

The last small group session of CAIFL is a Journal Club. This session is the culmination of everything we have done to this point. Journal club will be held during the final scheduled small group session, during the week of March 18, 2024.

Journal club guidelines and articles (same as the peer presentation articles) will be listed here.