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ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan)

Document Delivery & Interlibrary Loan Service

What is ILLiad?

ILLiad is the electronic system used for requesting and delivering articles and books from Health Sciences Library Collection and interlibrary loan.  

ILLiad is open to all NYMC users - just indicate your status from the dropdown menu. Please choose one that best describes your affiliation with NYMC.

Contact Access Services at +1 (914) 594-4200 or with any ILLiad and document delivery related questions. 

NOTE: There is no charge for this service for faculty, students, residents, and staff of NYMC.

How do I register for an ILLiad account?

To use interlibrary loan, you must register for an ILLiad account. 

To register for an ILLiad account: 

  1. Go to the library homepage.
  2. Click on the Interlibrary Loan link in the bottom-center of the page. 
  3. Click on the "Register for ILLiad" link under the Login box.
  4. Read the terms and conditions and then click on the "First Time Users Click Here" button.
  5. Make sure all fields of the New User Registration for ILLiad form are filled out accurately.
    • NOTE: Required fields are denoted by a red asterisk (*).
  6. Click the Submit Information button.
  7. You should then be presented with the ILLiad homepage.

Are there any fees & how long does it take?

Pricing & Turnaround Time

Standard Request1 Rush Request
NYMC Owned Non-NYMC Owned NYMC Owned2 Non-NYMC Owned3
NYMC Students, Resident, Faculty, & Staff FREE FREE $15.00 $15.00
Touro Dental Students & Faculty FREE N/A4 $15.00 N/A4
NYMC Alumni FREE $5.00 $15.00 $20.00
Special Members $11.00 $21.00 $21.00 $31.00

1 Standard service for both an NYMC Owned and Non-NYMC Owned article has a turnaround time of 1-3 business days.

2 Rush service for an NYMC Owned article has a turnaround time of 1 hour.

3 Rush service for a Non-NYMC Owned article has a turnaround time of 4 hours.

4 Touro Dental students and faculty should use the Touro Library interlibrary loan system to order resources not owned by NYMC. 

Patrons will be billed on a monthly basis. For any questions regarding billing, please contact Marta Ambroziak at (914) 594-4204 or

What can I request?

You can request: 

  • Journal Articles
  • Print Books
  • Scanned Book Chapters
  • Miscellaneous Items (multimedia, etc.. If you are not sure what your item is, make your request under Other) 
  • NOTE: E-books are not available via interlibrary loan. 

How do I request materials?

You can request materials in one of two ways:

  • Automatically via the NYMC Access Button
    1. ​​When you find an article that you like on PubMed (or any of the NYMC databases), click on the "NYMC Access" button.
      • If we don't own the article, the system will prompt you to order it via interlibrary loan. 
    2. ILLiad will prompt you to log into your account if you are not already logged in.
    3. The system will use the database's information to fill out the request form.
    4. Click the "Submit Information" button.
    5. You should now see your request when you click on the "Outstanding Requests" link in the View section of the left sidebar.
  • Manually via the Appropriate ILLiad Form
    1. Log into your ILLiad account.
    2. Choose the appropriate form for the type of resource you want to request (i.e. book, article, other) under the New Request section of the left sidebar.
    3. Fill out the form with the information in the required fields.  Required fields will be denoted by a red asterisk (*).
      • NOTE: If you have more information than just the required fields, put that information in as well.  The more information we have about your request, the quicker we can fulfill it.
    4. Click the Submit Request button.
    5. You should now see your request when you click on the Outstanding Requests link in the View section of the left sidebar.

How long will it take to receive materials?

  • Books: not owned by NYMC are borrowed from another library and are usually received within 10-14 days, but wait times will vary. Please note that only students, residents, faculty, and staff of NYMC can borrow books. Non-NYMC users can only request book chapters.
  • Journal articles/book chapters: 48 hours (or less) for items owned by NYMC (excluding weekends and holidays). Items unavailable at NYMC are usually received within 1 - 3 days, but sometimes it may take longer.
    • NOTE: Requests are not guaranteed. 

Can I renew items?

You need to request renewals with Access Services staff at +1 (914) 594-4200. Renewals are not guaranteed.

  • NOTE: Items received electronically expire 30 days after the item was sent. If you haven't download and saved the PDF, another request has to be placed.

Can I request rush service?

Rush service is available for journal articles only. 

If the request is approved, rush service ensures delivery of the item within 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) and is available for a fee of $15.

To request rush service:

  • Go to the article request form. 
  • In the field "Not Wanted After Date", set the date for the following business day.
  • Submit your request.
  • Once the request has been approved, you will be contacted for payment.  

Forgot username?

If you forgot your username, call the Health Sciences Library circulation desk at +1 (914) 594-4200.

  • NOTE: We cannot see or reset your password. We can advise you of your username and e-mail, which will allow you to reset your password. 

Forgot password?

To request a new password, click on the "Forgot Password" button in the logon screen.  

  • Type your username.
  • You will receive an e-mail to the e-mail account registered.
  • Click on the link provided in the e-mail, you will be prompted to type a new password. Click on "Set Password."
  • Logon with your username and new password.

Can I change my user information?

After you have logged in to your ILLiad account, you are able to change any of the registered personal information - including name, e-mail address, and phone number.

  • Login to ILLiad.
  • On the left-hand column, find the section called "Tools."
  • Select "Change User Information."
  • Type your changes and press "Submit."