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Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology

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A membership organization of nearly 7,000 allergists/immunologists and patient's trusted resource for allergies, asthma and immune deficiency disorders. Includes fact sheets about conditions, a drug guide, grant and continuting education opportunities, and practice resources such as consultation and referral guidelines. 

ASM is one of the largest life science societies in the world and helps members advance their careers by providing professional development opportunities, fellowships, travel awards and workshops. Content includes articles, biographies, case studies, guidelines, certifications, courses, events fellowships, guidelines, lesson plans, podcasts, policy statements, press releases, protocols, travel awards, videos, and webinars. 

The American Society for Virology promotes exchange of information and stimulates discussion and collaboration among virologists. Find information about society membership, history, committees, public affairs, and search for jobs in virology. 

The American Association of Immunologists is an association of professionally trained scientists from all over the world dedicated to advancing the knowledge of immunology and its related disciplines. This website includes a jobs board, travel, grant, and fellowship awards, teaching and learning resources, meeting and membership information, policy issues, and advocacy center. 

The Microbiology Society is a membership charity for scientists interested in microbes, their effects and their practical uses.
It is one of the largest microbiology societies in Europe with a worldwide membership based in universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and schools. Includes policy briefings, grants and prizes, news in microbiology, fact sheets, career guidance, and education resources.

The Pan American Society for Clinical Virology (PASCV) fosters the scientific development and medical practice of viral diagnostic testing. The website provides member, meeting and event information and links to related educational resources.

Look here for highlights in science news, guidelines for clinicians and patients, fact sheets on diseases and conditions, career and training resources, research information including funding opportunities, clinical trials, and a useful database of networks, consortia and research collaborations. NIAID is authoritative and an essential website for keeping up with the latest microbiology and immunology research. 

NIAID offices, divisions, and centers include the Office of the Director, Division of Intramural ResearchVaccine Research CenterDivision of Clinical ResearchDivision of AIDS, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and TransplantationDivision of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, and the Division of Extramural Activities

Includes the pages Data and Statistics, Vaccines and ImmunizationsEmerging Infectious DiseasesA-Z Index of Health Topics (with resources for clinicians,) and Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) (with recommendations and reports). 


Practice Guidelines

As shown in the following tutorial, you can use PubMed to search for guidelines related to your keywords. Don't forget to limit your search by publication date as well.