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Cell Biology & Anatomy

A Selection of Cell Biology and Anatomy eBooks

Shelf Browsing Guide-Print Only

Most cell biology literature is found on the library shelves under the QU call number, and anatomy can be found under the QS call number. However, relevant material may be located in other places in the library because cell biology and anatomy are multi-disciplinary fields of study.

To get started, use keywords like: 

  • Anatomy
  • Anatomy, regional
  • [Body part/system] -- anatomy & histology
  • Cell biology
  • Cytology
  • Cell physiological phenomena

Put your keywords into the library catalog, NYMCat (see the search box below).

eBook Browsing


Looking for an eBook? You can browse our digital collection by clicking on the eBooks/eJournals portal front and center on the library homepage.

Research Tools eBooks icon circled








How about Netter's Clinical Anatomy? Type in the title and you will be taken to the resource where you can read any chapter on your device.

eBooks search page