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Open Researcher and Contributors ID provides a persistent digital identifier for researchers

It's Easy!

Registration for an ORCID ID takes less than 30 seconds!

  • Questions about registering: Go to the ORCID support page. 
  • Otherwise go directly to the registration page.
    • Fill in the required fields
    • Choose the privacy setting you want to have (you can change them later too)
    • Decide if you want notifications on News
    • Accept Terms of Use (you might want to read them)
    • Done!

You will be provided with a 16-digit number, expressed as a URI, - this is your ORCID ID.


What They Ask For

Register for ORCID ID Screenshot

Managing Your Account

In Account Settings you can do all the usual editing: change email, change password, change personal information.

Researcher privacy is a fundamental principle of ORCID: "Researchers control the defined privacy settings of their own ORCID record data." ORCID provides you with three settings: Public, Limited or Private

Public: Information marked as "Public" can be viewed by anyone who comes to the website or consumed by anyone using the ORCID public API. Data marked as public will also be included in the public data file posted annually by ORCID.

Limited: Information marked as "Limited" can be seen by any Trusted Parties that you have authorised to connect to your ORCID Record. These connections require explicit action on your part. You will be asked if you would like to make a specific connection, and once you have confirmed, the Trusted Party will be able to see information that you have marked as limited-access. You can also give permission to Trusted Parties to update your ORCID record. You can revoke this permission any time.

Trusted Party: "A core ORCID principle is that you control the privacy settings of your ORCID record and with whom you share information.  For this purpose, ORCID allows you to select Trusted Parties from your ORCID Record. ... Only ORCID member organisations may serve as Trusted Parties, meaning they have agreed to the ORCID privacy policies and member terms." 

Private:  Information marked as "Private" can only be seen by you. It is also used by ORCID algorithms to help distinguish your identity from another person who may have a similar name, be it in a similar field, or may be confused with you for other reasons. This information is not shared with others.