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Family & Community Medicine

Library resources to help you in your course work, research, clerkships, residency, and curriculum support.


Our Department of Family and Community Medicine was established in 1978, and is one of the largest family medicine departments in the NY metro area.  Its purpose is to ensure that each NYMC student has been taught the generalist competencies they need to become great doctors; and to provide the community and preventive medicine education and training that students and residents need to improve health and function effectively in our complex healthcare system.

This guide is intended to support this curriculum and help you navigate library services, find a book, locate a journal or article, navigate a database, utilize evidence-based practice resources, and find quality sites on the Internet.  

Accessing Library Resources Using OpenAthens

When logging onto the library via OpenAthens, remember that there is no longer one single place to login. Rather, the system will prompt you to log in when you try to access one of our resources and remember you for the rest of your browser session.

How you log in via OpenAthens is dependent on whether or not you have TouroOne credentials. Below are instructions for both cases.

1. Once you click onto one of our eResources, you will be presented with an OpenAthens login screen that looks like this:

OpenAthens Login Screen - Select TouroOne Credentials Option

2. Click on the “With your TouroOne credentials” option.

3. The system will redirect to the TouroOne login screen.

4. Use your network ID and password to login.

5. You will be prompted to complete the dual-factor authentication using Okta. Use either the Okta app or a code text messaged to your phone.

Okta Verification Example

6. Upon successfully logging in, you will be redirected to the eResource you wanted to access.

1. Once you click onto one of our eResources, you will be presented with an OpenAthens login screen that looks like this:

OpenAthens Login Screen - Select NYMC Library Account Option

2. Click on the “NYMC Library Account” option.

3. The system will redirect to the library account login screen.

Library Account Login Screen

4. Use your library username and password to login.

5. Upon successfully logging in, you will be redirected to the eResource you wanted to access.