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Open Researcher and Contributors ID provides a persistent digital identifier for researchers

ORCID Support



This is the ORCID support page. Here you can find answers to most of your questions.



What is ORCID?

Open Researcher and Contributor ID  

The ORCID Registry creates a unique identifier for each researcher who creates a profile, disambiguating them from any other author with the same name. Think of it as a DOI for authors. This ID will be used in several research databases like PubMed, Scopus, and others, and will integrate with existing researcher profile systems like Researcher ID. It will also make it easier for universities and colleges to track and publicize faculty author publications, and for funding agencies to link funding to output.

The ORCID registry was developed as partnership of a number of large publishers (Nature, Wiley, Elsevier, Thomson Reuters), universities, and other institutions. Given this broad base of support it is set to be the standard for author identification.

NYMC researchers should register for their ORCID identifier at

Who is using ORCID?

The ORCID web site maintains a list of institutions and organizations with established ORCID programs in place or in progress. The fast-growing list of ORCID adopters includes:

Publishers and Presses including eLife Sciences, Elsevier, Wiley, Public Library of Science, Hindawi Publishing Group, Institute of Physics Publishing, to name a few

Research Institutions such as CERN, Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, National Institutes of Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qatar National Research Fund, and others

Funding Agencies including U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, The Wellcome Trust, Japan Science and Technology Agency, UK National Institute of Health Research

Learned Societies and Professional Associations such as: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); American Chemical Society; IEEE; Optical Society; Modern Lanaguage Association, and many more

Scholarly Sharing Service Providers including Almetric, Dryad, Peerage of Science, CrossRef, FigShare, and many others!

Major Research Universities including Texas A&M, Harvard University, Cal Tech, MIT, University of Michigan, National Taiwan Normal University, Chalmers University of Technology, and many more.