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EndNote Online (Basic)

Capture Reference Tool

Capture Reference is an optional tool in EndNote that allows you to capture bibliographic information about web pages and then store that information as part of your library.

  1. In your EndNote Online (Basic) account, click on the Downloads tab in the main toolbar.
  2. In the Capture section of the page, click and drag the "Capture Reference" button to your Bookmarks bar.
  1. Once you are on the web page/resource you want to save, click on the "Capture Reference" button in your Bookmarks bar.
  2. EndNote Online (Basic) will generate a pop-up window with information about the reference. 
  3. Check over and edit the information as needed as there is no guarantee that Capture Reference will pick up everything correctly. 
  4. Click the "Add or remove" link next to "Groups:" to choose which group in EndNote Online (Basic) to send the reference to.
  5. Click the "Save To" button.

General Notes on Word's Cite While You WriteTM

  • Once installed, Cite While You WriteTM will be located as one of your main navigation tabs.
  • From there, you can log into your EndNote Online (Basic) account to insert in-text citations and bibliographies based on the references you have in your library.
  • You can also change the citation style of the document mid-writing, and it will reorganize your in-text citations and reference list accordingly.
  • Each time you open a new Word document, Cite While You WriteTM will sync with your EndNote Online (Basic) account’s library to ensure that all of your current references and favorite/recently used styles are accounted for.

Installing Word's Cite While You Write

  1. In your EndNote Online (Basic) account, click on the Downloads tab in the main toolbar.
  2. In the "Cite While You WriteTM" section of the page, select and download the version of Cite While You WriteTM appropriate for your computer.
  3. Follow the installation wizard's instructions to add the plugin to Word.
    • NOTE: EndNote Online (Basic) also has more detailed installation instructions here in case you have any technical issues.

Word's Cite While You Write Functions

EndNote Cite While You Write Toolbar

  1. Click on the "Insert Citations" button.
  2. Enter the search terms (keywords or author names) of the reference(s) you are looking for.
  3. Select the reference(s) you want to insert.
  4. Click the Insert button.
    • NOTE: If you want to exclude the author or year, click on the drop-down arrow next to the Insert button and select how you want the reference(s) to be inserted from the drop-down options.
  1. Right click on the in-text citation that you want to add page numbers to.
  2. Click on the "Edit Citation(s)" option from the pop-up menu.
  3. Click on the "More…" option in the sub pop-up menu.
  4. Add the page numbers in the Pages section of the "Edit Citation" section.
  5. Click the OK button.

EndNote Cite While You Write Edit Citation Pop Up

  • Once you add an in-text citation to your document, Cite While You WriteTM will automatically start generating a bibliography at the end of your document.

Configuring Your Bibliography

  1. Click on the tiny arrow icon at the bottom of the Bibliography section.
  2. The style and document you are working with will be displayed in the "Format Bibliography" tab of the "EndNote Configure Bibliography" pop-up window.
  3. Click on the Layout tab.
  4. Edit the appropriate fields.
  5. Click the OK button.
    • NOTE: You are responsible for adhering to the rules of a particular style, so you need to be aware of what exactly you change in the Layout section and how it affects your adherence to the style’s rules.
  1. Click on the Style drop-down menu.
  2. If the style isn't in your recent styles, click on the "Select Other Style" option.
  3. Click on the appropriate style and click the OK button.